Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG) Issue #43
Contents: Japanese Garden Bridge: Bridge Anchor Stones. The Japanese Tea Ceremony: Shigenari Furuta. Enjoying Japanese Irises, by Lisa Parramore. Book Reviews: "The Garden Plants of Japan." Kenroku-en, in Kanazawa. Essay: Fraudulent Experts. Viewpoints: The Anderson Angels. Essays by Kendall H. Brown, Tamao Goda, Mark Johnson, Melodie Kennedy, J. Skuba, and William Stufflebeem. Art School Classroom: Perspective, ect..., by Tamao Goda. Basic Pruning: The Dimple Technique. Myths: Secular Japan. Garden Layout: Keep it Simple, by Asher Browne. Interior Decor: Ranma Transoms. Tools, Tips, and Techniques: Moss Repair, by John Powell. Japanese Garden Calendar of Events. Japanese Garden Marketplace. |