Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG) Issue #73
Contents: COVER PHOTO: Classic Sento at Edo-Tokyo Tatemono-en. Some of these traditional Japanese public baths still exist! PUBLISHER'S ESSAY: Old-style Apprentice System is Obsolete. Young Japanese workers have many options. The old-style apprentice system can't compete. VIEWPOINTS: What is Your Favorite Azalea? Essays by Tamao Goda, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Peter Bowyer, James Hanselman, Scott Brooks, Mary Bigelow, and Richard Winchester. JAPANESE GARDEN BRIDGES: New Bridge Rails. David Slawson examines one of his recent projects involving stone bridge rails. SUKIYA LIVING: My House Has Issues. That exposed foundation and walkout basement causes problems. Here's how to handle the situation. HORTICULTURE: Problems with Big Trees. Big trees - especially deciduous ones - are generally not welcome in Japanese gardens. This article by Asher Browne explains why. STONE-SETTING TECHNIQUES: Tenba. This important stone-setting concept is unknown in the West. ADVANCED PRUNING: Two-headed Monsters. One small pruning mistake ten years ago will cause this problem. Here's how to remedy it. NISHIKI GOI: Taisho versus Showa. How do you tell the difference between these two classic koi varieties? JAPANESE CULTURE: Japan's Public Baths. Do you like taking hot soaks? Do you want to try doing it the traditional way in Japan? Read this article. BUSINESS PROFILE: Jim Hanselman Interview. Hanselman Landscape is pioneering Japan's maintenance oriented business model. LETTERS, Q&A: Cover was Confusing. Questions about house layout, entoh-kei pruning, shoe removal, etc. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The latest news and events that you can attend. TRAVEL TO JAPAN: JOJG's Kyoto Walking Tour. The best way to see Japan's finest gardens. Join us on this special journey! SUKIYA LIVING MARKETPLACE. Japanese Garden specialists and other professionals. BACK COVER: "Sagi Musume," by Harunobu Suzuki. |