Japanese Garden Journal Issue #46 Jul/Aug 2005 Contents: Japanese Interior Design: Sudare Bamboo Blinds. Green Views in the Healthcare Environment, by Heather L. Blum. Merritt College Pruning Club Leads the Way, by Leslie Buck and Dick Austin. Survey Data: Sukiya Living Peer Rankings. Paths: What are Hikae-ishi? Japanese Carpentry: Se-wari Kerfing, by Tamao Goda. Publishers Essay: Restorative Environments. Viewpoints: Mainstream or Not? Essays by Ron Herman, James T. Hanselman, Reiner & Gesine Jochems, Bruce Parkinson, Masashi Oshita, Asher Browne, and Tamao Goda. Garden Design: Don't Worry about False Limitations. DVD Review: "In Full Circle" A film by Paul Krause, together with David Slawson, Mary Bigelow, and Bardwell Smith. Q&A: Legged Furniture, Hedge Shears. Tools, Tips, and Techniques: Hoki and Chiri-tori, by John Powell. Japanese Garden Calendar of Events |