Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG) Issue #76
Contents: COVER PHOTO: Ganko Restaurant at Twilight. This could very well be Kyoto's most beautiful nighttime garden. PUBLISHER'S ESSAY: "Zen Garden" Term Reflects Ignorance. There are many reasons why we recommend that you don't use that term. Most experts usually say "dry garden" or "karesansui" instead. VIEWPOINTS: Institutional Fake-lore. Essays by Meg Faison, Kathleen Blanchard, Brian Funk, Scott Brooks, Mary Bigelow, and Luanne Kanzawa. Here is what some public garden specialists said when we asked them to comment on how their institutions do (or do not) deal with the problem of story creep. LAYOUT & PLANNING: Front Yard Gardens, by Asher Browne. It's not advised, but some people have no other place to put their garden. Here is some advice about creating Japanese gardens in your front yard. TOOLS, TECHNIQUES: Moving Rocks with a Tripod Hoist, by Asher Browne. You don't always need heavy equipment. Read this article to learn about moving rocks using this time-tested technique. BASIC PRUNING: Entoh-kei Scaffolding. The best entoh-kei shrubs have a common branch structure inside their tall domes. Here's how to create that structure and how to deal with problem shrubs. ADVANCED PRUNING: Ditch the Braces and Ropes. Skilled Japanese gardeners don't use "hack" techniques like wires, braces, and ropes. This article explains why not, and it offers ideas on how to prune correctly. PATHS: Recycled Post Foundation Stones. Walk around Japan and you might notice these unique button-like stepping stones that are both functional and a great example of mitate. But did you know where they come from? HORTCULTURE: Drought Tolerant Plants, by John Powell. Believe it or not, it's possible to create a Japanese garden in the desert. Here are some ideas about creating Japanese gardens in hot, arid climates. Included is a list of the plants for dry conditions. SENSORY PERCEPTIONS: Aesthetic Pruning & Healing, by MaryAnn Burman. This interview of Dennis Makishima explores the topics of healing and aging, and how Japanese gardens can help with both. LETTERS, Q&A: Yokokan is a Winner. What is the most famous garden in Japan? How do you use concrete in cold climates? Where can I purchase a Japanese aluminum tripod ladder? How do you sit at a shoin desk? Should koi ponds have gravel on the bottom? These and many other questions. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The latest news and events that you can attend. Want to attend a pruning workshop? Check here for listings. SUKIYA LIVING MARKETPLACE. Japanese Garden specialists and other professionals. Information about reaching gardeners, carpenters, stoneyards, merchants, and other sukiya living professionals. TRAVEL TO JAPAN: JOJG's Kyoto Walking Tour. Without question, JOJG's walking tour is the best way to see Japan's finest gardens. Travel to Japan and join us on this special journey! BACK COVER: "Tenryu-gawa," by Hiroshige. |