Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG)

Japanese Woodworking Tools

The Japanese craftsman is serious about his tools.  Westerners unfamiliar with Japanese woodworking may find that many of those tools look completely different from their Western counterparts.  But after becoming more familiar with the Japanese woodworking tradition many Westerners are discovering that Japanese carpenters have some things to teach us.

Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG) is entirely committed to publishing a regular supply of articles about Japanese carpentry and subjects related to Japanese interior design.  We also hope to expand the subject of "Japanese woodworking" into something of a hobby activity where Western homeowners can learn about (and maybe even enjoy making) things such as tansu, shoji screens, andon-style lamps, and Japanese-style furniture.

Some of JOJG articles inevitably turn out to be tool articles.  The articles posted below are all associated with Japanese tools and how to use them.


MAKING JAPANESE TOOLS   This article by Craig Klucina describes a category of Japanese woodworking tools and how to make them.  The article reviews information from a Japanese woodworking seminar Mr. Klucina attended.  At the seminar each of the participants made their own Japanese hand plane.

KANNA   The Japanese hand plane cuts on the pull stroke.  Known as kanna in Japanese, this tool stands center stage in the world of Japanese carpentry.

JAPANESE TOOL BOX   This was just a fun article examining the various ways that Japanese craftsmen store their tools.  Its true that Japanese craftsmen are extremely serious and conservative, but the Japanese tool box world is something entirely different.

SHARPENING STONES   This article is about sharpening stones produced by a Japanese tool company called "Shapton."  In the West they market their product through Harrleson Stanley Enterprises.

THE JAPANESE CHISEL   This tool is used for a variety of functions including cutting out Japanese joinery mortises.  Read this article to learn the difference between Japanese chisels and Western ones.

THE JAPANESE PULL SAW   The Japanese pull saw differs dramatically from Western saws because it cuts on the pull stroke.  A decade or so ago Japanese pull saws were somewhat exotic in the Western trades.  Now this kind of saw has become the standard bearer for quality hand sawing.  Read this article to learn more.

The photo posted above was provided by Craig Klucina.  Thank you!
