Japanese Garden Journal Survey Data The Japanese Garden Journal regularly publishes pieces that we call "Survey-type" articles. These articles examine scientific data and rank items such as the best books or the best gardens, both in Japan and in the West. Many of these articles are ground-breaking and historically significant. A few of them are posted below for your benefit: ---------------------------------- 2010 SHIOSAI RANKINGS - Here are the 50 top-ranked gardens in Japan. THE BEST SUKIYA LIVING BOOKS EVER WRITTEN - 2008 Survey. 2005 PEER RANKINGS - Here are the ten most respected names in the world of Sukiya Living. THE SHIOSAI PROJECT JOJG's ground-breaking Shiosai Project is an ongoing research effort to compare and rank Japan's highest-quality Sukiya Living Environments. 2004 Survey - The Top-25 Japanese Gardens in North America 2004 WORD ASSOCIATION SURVEY (Nov'2004) 2003 Australia Japanese Garden Survey 2003 UK and Ireland Japanese Garden Survey SECULAR JAPAN Recent Research about Religion and Values --------------------------------------------------------------- |