Garden Journal
Living Magazine (The Journal of Japanese Gardening) is
a bi-monthly English-language print publication dedicated to the special
world of Japanese gardens and Japanese architecture. Every other month,
44-page magazine discuses various aspects of Japanese architecture, horticulture,
art, and philosophy. Topics range from
centuries-old design principles to modern, how-to construction and
maintenance techniques.
This website is intended to give you a feel for the kind of material
published in each issue. It is our hope to serve as an educational
resource, and we try to offer well-illustrated articles that are
brief and focused on information that you can apply in your own homes and
Japanese gardens.
 In addition to the magazine,
Sukiya Living Magazine publishes a Resource Directory and a
few useful Japanese gardening booklets. Each year we hold several
intensive training workshops for participants to learn hands-on techniques
such as tree pruning, stone setting, and fence building. We also sponsor a
variety of tours to Japan, including an annual
If you would like to learn more about Japanese homes and Japanese gardens, this web site
is a good place to start. Thank you for visiting with us, and good
luck with your Sukiya Living dreams.
Douglas M. Roth
Sukiya Living Magazine (JOJG)
P.O. Box 1050, Dept. A-2, Rockport, ME 04856
Subscription Information:
In the United States
6 issues/year $35
Other Countries 6
issues/year $55
How to Subscribe